Hankon international
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Hankon International
Hankon International Co. Ltd was formerly the overseas department of SUN POMP textile.  
Since 2012, Hankon International spun off independently in order to provide better service for the expanding business abroad.

The parent company SUN POMP textile Co., LTD, was established in 1991 by Ms. Hsiao Chun Chen, and operates in petrochemical textiles as distributor for numerous types of fabric materials.
The company's mission statement for the past twenty years has been "customer satisfaction".
Company operations has been stable and earnings has grown steadily.

Hankon International is an authorized distributor for several global corporations including Formosa Plastic, Shinkong Textiles, Libolon, Everest Textile, etc.
Hankon deals in upstream materials from long-short fabrics to outdoor/sports clothing.
Clients span across the world in Japan, Bengal, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Brazil.
We have excellent relationships with suppliers to enable us to provide the most competitive prices and best service.

Main Business

Export/import and domestic sales of fibers, filaments and fabrics, for both industrial and textile market.

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